






46.2 MW

Generating Capacity

The Development

Crossdykes Muirhall Energy
Stephen Corr

The proposed wind farm is on land at Littlegill Farm, 2.2km north-east of Abington and 4km north of Crawford in the Clydesdale East ward of South Lanarkshire. It is located within the Duneaton Community Council area, and community consultation throughout the development lifetime has therefore been largely focused on the neighbouring Community Council areas of Crawford and Duneaton.

The original development is for a site including 7 turbines with maximum blade tip heights of up to 145m, and was consented by the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) in December 2018 (South Lanarkshire Council ref: CL/17/0009, DPEA ref: PPA-380-2075).

Muirhall reviewed the Consented Development design and submitted a Section 42 variation to the consent to South Lanarkshire Council in November 2019 to allow larger turbines, maximising electricity generation whilst ensuring that environmental effects remained acceptable. The Section 42 application seeks to revise the turbine dimensions to allow turbines of up to 200m tip height, with the exception of two turbines, which would be restricted to 180m tip height. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA-R) was prepared to assess the environmental impacts of the Proposed Development and accompanied the Section 42 application.

Latest Update:

Muirhall Energy is pleased to confirm that the Priestgill Section 37 application for the grid route from the windfarm site to Elvanfoot substation has been submitted to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU) in July 2022.

The Application was as follows:
Planning application under Section 37 of the Electricity Act for the for the installation of an approximately 12 km 33 kV grid connection, comprising of both overhead lines (OHL) and underground cable(s), and associated electrical kiosk, and access track serving the aforementioned kiosk.

Click here to see in full.

To view the Abington and Leadhills Underground Cable Route consultation documents, please click here.

To provide feedback to this consultation, please use this Questionnaire.

Stephen Corr Muirhall Energy

Stephen Corr

head of project delivery

Latest News


Community Investment

Community investment is at the heart of what we do. In 2021 we were delighted to be awarded Best Engagement at the Scottish Green Energy Awards for our community outreach with our Crossdykes wind farm.

The Priestgill Project will provide Community Investment based on a contribution of £5000 per installed megawatt per annum (MWpa), as consented this would equate to £231,000 per annum, index linked for the operational lifetime of the project. This equates to £5.775 million over the lifetime of the Project.




 Muirhall Energy

Information at a Glance


  • Consented for a mixture of 200m (5) and 180m (2) by South Lanarkshire Council in March 2021.
  • Application for grid connection rout from site to Elvanfoot substation submitted July 2022.


  • 7 turbines = 6.6 MW each.
  • Total Installed Capacity = Up to 46.2 MW
  • Grid connection = 43.64 MW


  • Consented: Height to Blade Tip – 5 turbines at 200m, 2 turbines at 180m

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