





Number of HOMES



The Development

Crossdykes Muirhall Energy
Kelly Wyness
Project Overview

Muirhall Energy recently submitted a planning application for Teviot Wind Farm. Located approximately 8km south-west of Hawick, the proposed development comprises up to 62 turbines with co-located solar array, battery storage and ancillary infrastructure. As the installed capacity of the proposal is over 50 megawatts (MW) Scottish Ministers consent is required, via the Energy Consents Unit (ECU), with input from statutory consultees including Scottish Borders Council.

Public exhibition events were held in August/Sept 2021 to update residents on our plans for Teviot Wind Farm. The feedback from those events was invaluable in informing the final design of the project. If you would like to find out more you are welcome to visit our south of Scotland office at 4-6 North Bridge Street, Hawick TD9 9QW, open Mon-Thurs 10am-12.30pm and 1.30-4pm or by appointment

Following the May 2022 submission Muirhall Energy has worked closely with Statutory and Non-Statutory Consultees to reach agreement on an improved layout. Based on the revised layout, Additional Environmental Information (AEI) was submitted to the ECU in May 2024

To view the full EIA submission for Teviot wind farm, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

To view the Additional Information documents for Teviot Wind Farm, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Local contractors 

Muirhall Energy will place work with local contractors who tender within 10% of the best quote for any work on the project. Local tradespeople have already refurbished the former Post Office in Hawick to an exceptional standard and this building now serves as a point of contact for all Muirhall’s projects in the south of Scotland. A Meet the Buyer event will be held prior to construction to give local businesses an opportunity to learn more about the proposed development before submitting tenders.

Please support us

Support our plans for Teviot wind farm by contacting the Energy Consents Unit, using Ref ECU00003249. Every letter or email is vital to helping us achieve consent so please email: representations@gov.scot 

Please write to: 
Energy Consents Unit 
5 Atlantic Quay 
150 Broomielaw 
Glasgow G2 8LU

If you prefer, you can use the proforma found by CLICKING HERE.

Thank you

Stephen Corr Muirhall Energy

Kelly Wyness

Senior Project Manager

Latest News


Shared Ownership & Community Benefits

Community Investment, Shared Ownership and Initial Investment Fund 

If built, Teviot Wind Farm will offer an industry-leading community investment rate of £7,000 annually per megawatt of installed wind capacity. That figure would return £2.45 million per year, or around £98 million for the communities in Teviotdale over the lifetime of the windfarm. 

In addition to these community investment funds, Muirhall Energy will offer up to 10% community shared ownership in Teviot Wind Farm which, if accepted, could see people in Teviotdale become the biggest community investors in renewable energy anywhere in the UK. Conversations have already taken place with communities around the proposed development and the dialogue will continue as the project progresses. 

Should Teviot Wind Farm be consented, Muirhall Energy would set up an Initial Investment fund (IIF) worth £500,000 to support communities during the construction period. The IIF would be open to applications from the 12 Community Councils nearest the project. A very successful IIF was set up previously at Crossdykes and, though over-subscribed, supported local sports facilities, community transport, education and community groups and associations. A full list of recipients of IIF funding can be found on our Communities page.

Helping the Environment 

At a time of increased energy prices, it is more important than ever to produce cheap, green energy and onshore wind is the cheapest form of electricity production in Scotland. Teviot Wind Farm is expected to generate enough green electricity to power the equivalent of 460,000 homes. 

An extensive Habitat Management Plan has been included in the proposal. Environmental Enhancement ideas include expanding riparian and upland woodland by over 50,000 native tree species with associated potential flood attenuation, improving red squirrel and wader species habitats and restoration of degraded peatlands. Safe access paths for recreation for all abilities will also been created.




 Muirhall Energy

Information at a Glance


Muirhall Energy recently submitted a planning application for Teviot Wind Farm.


As the installed capacity of the proposal is over 50 megawatts (MW) Scottish Ministers consent is required, via the Energy Consents Unit (ECU), with input from statutory consultees including Scottish Borders Council.



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