



Turbine Height



up to 79.2 MW

Generating Capacity

The Development

Crossdykes Muirhall Energy
Kirstin Leckie

The Development

Project Overview

Hopsrig has consent for 12turbines at 140 m to tip . In November 2021, a section 36 application was submitted to the Energy Consents Unit for an optimised scheme for the site, within the same development footprint. The application was submitted for 13turbines at 200 m to tip, which will generate a substantially greater amount of energy, bringing with it greater environmental and community benefits.

In August 2022 Additional Environmental Information was submitted with respect to traffic and transport, and noise, providing an updated chapter for each.

In March 2023, an updated planning statement document was submitted to support the application following the adoption of the National Planning Framework 4.

Following consultation and stakeholder responses, further Additional Environmental Information was submitted in February 2024 to reflect a new 12 turbine layout, with a maximum tip height of 200 m  giving a total indicative installed capacity of 80 MW, and all its associated infrastructure.

To view the additional environmental information for 2024, CLICK THIS LINK.

All application documentation is available on the Energy Consents Unit website under Case Number ECU00002160

Support for the projects

If you feel you can support the project, you can do so by writing to the Energy Consents Unit using reference ECU00002160.  Email: representations@gov.scot

Post: Energy Consents Unit, 5 Atlantic Quay, Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU.

Stephen Corr Muirhall Energy

Kirstin Leckie

Senior Project Manager

Latest News


Shared Ownership, Community Investment & Initial Investment Fund

The optimised schemes for Hopsrig will bring about greater community and environmental benefits to that of the consented scheme. The current site layouts have been derived following engagement with key stakeholders and address feedback received on impacts on landscape. We would like to thank those who have contributed to our iterative design process, helping us shape the best possible development. We are committed to the industry leading community investment fund amount of £7000 per megawatt for the site. Based on current plans, that figure would return approximately £550,000 per year directly back to communities surrounding the wind farm. ’

Kirstin Leckie, Project Manager

Lockerbie and District Rotary Club proejct for Lochmaben Primary School - Muirhall Energy have supported the club with a combined £5,000 since 2020.

Shared Ownership Scheme

The development at Loganhead also offers an opportunity for the local community to own up to 10% of the wind farm following the model of our landmark Community Ownership Scheme at Crossdykes wind farm.

Shared ownership would generate considerable extra income to the local area, over and above the community investment funding which is a commitment made regardless of whether the shared ownership option is taken up. You can read more about the shared ownership of Crossdykes here.

This offer was taken up by numerous community councils from the area surrounding Crossdykes, which will benefit the local area with increased investment in the community for years to come.

The Muirhall team at the launch of Crossdykes - Local community councils own 5% of the wind farm through the Shared Ownership Scheme.

"We of course have a willing developer in Muirhall who share the ambition the communities have for their futures and who have been fundamental in helping the community achieve an ambitious agreement.

The communities think this deal is especially important for their future and the next generation. It may be a step towards other similar deals locally that could be transformative if the communities grasp the opportunities this will give.”

Chris Miles, Chair of Dumfriesshire East Community Benefit Group (on the shared ownership of Crossdykes).




 Muirhall Energy

Information at a Glance


The wind farm was consented by Dumfries and Galloway Council in 2019.

A Section 36 application will be submitted to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit in November 2021, for an expanded wind farm with larger turbines and more energy and financial potential.


Consented = 12 turbines of approximately 3.5 MW each.

Total Capacity = 42 MW.

Revised Application = 13 turbines of approximately 6 MW each.

Total Capacity = up to 86MW


Consented height to blade tip = 140m

Revised application height to blade tip = 200m

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